Anyone whose worked in retail learns about the MANY many holidays celebrated for sales. At Belks, we did 254 DIFFERENT sales per year. This week, it’s St. Patty’s Day in the US with lots of green splashed everywhere. It’s a lot of fun with beer, celtic music, and time spent with family and friends. All good stuff, but not necessarily very profitable for retail fashion. Is there a potential to change that and make some money? March Women’s Day has always seemed to have the most potential and zero great marketing. Why?
Guest lecturing at Animazement, you learn about White Day in Japan which also falls around now. It’s the reverse of Valentine’s Day in which instead of men giving women gifts, the women give men gifts. Most of the rest of the world has a major holiday now which involves exchanging gifts proving there’s missed potential for us here too. Historically, Purim, which celebrates the Jewish people being saved by their Queen Ester from death and involves the exchanging of gifts with family and friends falls at the same time as St. Patrick’s Day. It’s fascinating there’s an obvious opportunity to cross Women’s Day in the US with Purim to make money as a second type of Thanksgiving marketing geared towards pampering women for a day and spending time with family. Spas and resorts could offer “Queen Pamper Retreets.” Beauty brands and influencers could sell body lotions and beauty products. Every make-up counter could do business. Obviously, someone in marketing with a commercial eye would need to be brought in. But it’s always interesting to see what money people leave on the table, especially magazines.
Maybe someone will see the opperunity and go for it.