Base Rate: $840/week Non-Union $1080/week Union

Updated Contract Pricing and Living Water Sewing Club

Happy July 4th weekend. Wow, Kevin Costner’s new Western film series Horizon is awesome. The fact that critic shills seems to hate Horizon while fans love it is just a gift to Costner. There’s great fashion and costume shifts going on right now in both the US and Europe. It’s hard to predict where all this will land and we don’t know the future. You can not hold bitterness in your life. There’s a number of people who want to hold onto the Disney imploding without looking to the next door of opportunity. Do you want to look into Apple’s cool new music sessions or follow Spotify down to Shitify with their CEO Daniel Ek? No, we did not expect Spotify to implode given it seemed like a slam dunk for the Catholic Church with all their old church chants and tithe income system, but we were wrong. It happens. Maybe the church will feature a crusty Jesuit in Western lore film as a "preacher man"? Like Book in Firefly? It's weird to see them miss the oppertunity to cash in on obvious power grab here with Horizon to use Mark Wahlburg and Hallow, but hey...

Your choice too. 

Ok, ok, just one more comment and we'll move on, $10.99/month for a billion people is what $11 billion month? $1.3-1.4 trillion year? Has anyone ever been able to figure out why the Vatican banking doesn't get involved in streaming sponsorships? Just leaving the thought there.

Like walking is controlled falling, theaters fail all the time in which 11 out of 12 shows a year pull a loss and the Christmas musical and event rentals help them pull through from one year to the next. The basics keep you afloat. Which brings us to dusting off the contract sewing price rates, industrial sewing classes, and restarting our quarterly sewing bees to make small local items for Jewish and Christian charities. We’ve had a bit of a debate internally the past couple of years since 2020 for a number of reasons, but it’s time. There’s been a lot of stuff that’s come out since then about Anthony Fauci that have made me at least question the medical establishment, but it’s a bit throwing the baby out with the bathwater to ignore decades of projects that do actually help people and animals which was great with the American Sewing Guild's Sewing Acts of Kindness. Roughly 400 other projects did work while we were on the board for 5 years and were a blessing. The Christian charity projects were really fantastic. Also, all the animal rescue stuff, we had zero problems there too. Jewish projects tend to be more work, but if you like the idea just give yourself more time than you might expect. A lot of the Animazement stuff and cosplay in general seems to be pivoting into live music events. Maybe you too were gullible about Anthony Fauci. It's ok. We can all apologize and move forward. If you are interested in having us teach at your location, we are happy to discuss dates. Please email me at: and include union or non-union in the subject line.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning to participate in one of the quarterly events again, then you need to pay $20 for the kit. If you can not attend due to any reason, your kit will be donated forward. Additionally, you’re welcome to select the Pay-It-Forward Kit and donate as many as you like. Because the fabric is cut to order, we do not offer refunds on the quarterly sewing bees.