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Nature Themes

Alright, we're through basic pricing and custom 101 so let's move on to the fun stuff while we sew orders and get ready for September Fashion Week. Wow, good job Dior with your nature themed cruise collection and sweet bagpipe music in Scotland.  We absolutely loved the whole Italian Dulce and Gabbana artisan rooms, but the other clear 2024 fashion winner is Dior. English and European traditional castles and greenery are flattering for most clothing photography sold in the West. The small bags, the gold accents, etc. all came together perfectly. It beat the other runways.

It’s interesting how the 1930s art deco and art nouveau comeback translates to fashion. Black, gold, nature, and red color schemes are popular worldwide. We also love the Chinese dragon themes. The popular Japanese tv show, Shogun, proves there’s room for someone to do an Asian take. Which brings us to America, if you talk to people on the street in NC now it’s all about the Aurora Borealis and our night sky. For anyone who doesn’t live in the US, the Northern Lights as they’re affectionately called, are normally seen up in Canada. I don’t recall these beautiful skies ever being seen this far South before. It’s super cool. 

Scientists will give you all kinds of boring explanations for the Aurora Borealis from light pollution to sun wave refractions, but the old myths and legends are more fun. Are you seeing Thor’s Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla? The Celtic divide between human and fey realms breaking and the return of magic? Dead ancestors visiting to bring you good luck? Or the veil separating humans from God since the fall of Adam and Eve? Hopefully we’ll see more because it’s lending itself to fantastic random conversations and campsite tall tales.

Talking to people outside of fashion and theater is good for the ego and helps break out of ruts. Like Dior or Dulce and Gabbana, artists in every age are inspired by nature. It’s humble and fun to realize that you can work at your craft your entire life and never approach a real honeybee or songbird. But there’s something fun and very human about stopping to capture the beauty by paintbrush, ink, clay, camera, or thread. It also allows you to do something which is very difficult to do in real life, share your experience with others. There’s a reason National Geographic is so popular. We’re going to spend a little bit of time the next couple of weeks enjoying NC and US nature. We hope you get to enjoy it with us. And maybe stop to see the Aurora Borealis one night.