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Busy pruning and putting down diatomaceous earth for spring gardening while checking into indy musicians. Got into a fairly interesting discussion on Australia and paper routes still being popular there around our local NC State Technician school newspaper. For anyone not might not know, the Technician is a niche newspaper for young college professionals that punches above its weight. In the newspapers vs. magazine debate, college students prefer newspapers as they can be recycled in moving boxes and it’s something to keep in mind for advertising purposes. Not saying one or the other is better, but newspapers seem to have a longer shelf life with the younger generation.

Another popular newspaper is  the weekly African-American Raleigh newspaper, Carolina Tribune, which you see a fair number of people reading on the bus stops. It appears to be in a merger/buy-out with the Carolinian to a twice weekly format, but given a loyal readership, try to keep an eye on it. But back to the Technician. 

Along with the bigger standard propaganda pieces, you often have little gems like the annual Krispy Kreme Challenge. The photography is decent and while you may not agree with everything they write, it’s worth checking out. Have a great week all! Happy reading.